Software Release - Summer 2021 - v3.21.09.22

Modified on Wed, 27 Oct, 2021 at 2:09 PM


This release guide documents the changes made to the iPro CRM Software during the summer of 2021

Reminder: All clients have the ability to view all software changes on their staging site (IPROSTAGE), prior to deployment on the live site.

i.e. clientdomain(com)

(com) is the extension of domain, .net, .info, etc...

Deployment Process

Deployment of the updated software is by client request raising a ticket with the support desk or via an email to

Deployment will be scheduled within an agreed time window. If you wish to change the time which has been agreed, please contact the support desk to arrange a suitable alternative. ,


Owners Area

There have been a number of enhancements to the owners area.

  • You can now easily configure which features owners have access to in the CMS by going to the Members Configuration node, which can by found under Features Configuration [4411]
  • It's now possible to add a complaints report to the owners area [4333]
  • The statements report has been replaced with an updated version where all statements are listed and available for download [4332]
  • Throughout the owners area, properties will be referred to using the Owner Property Name, which may differ from the name used elsewhere in the system. This name is configured in the CMS on the Map/Address tab [4331]
  • An assigned contact on a property that is configured as type "owner" can now also log into the owners area (if login has been enabled on their contact record) and see properties where they are an assigned contact [4233]
  • Added a new Owner Information section [4507]
  • Filter options are now available for the bookings report [4563]
  • Added dictionary items for the Guest Information Report, Bookings Report and Arrivals Report.  The dictionary items can be found in the guestPortal section of the dictionary [4562]

Guest Area

  • If a guest has multiple bookings it is now possible to see the full details of any of their bookings rather than just the latest booking [4767]

Booking Tags

  • A new automation rule has been added which allows you to automatically tag bookings where a voucher has been used. [4248]
  • Some automated booking tags were either not being added to a booking or not being added immediately when a payment was made against the booking.  The process has been improved to make sure that automated booking tags are added more reliable and as soon as a payment is made [4858, 5014]

Agency Income Report

  • We now have the ability to rebuild the data in the Agency Income Report so that it includes historical data.  Contact support if you need historical data in this report[4517].
  • Support for extras that are payable on order has been improved to ensure that the income is reported on the correct date [4542]
  • Additional details about the bookings are now listed on the Income Details pages [4542]


  • The Day Availability API now has an option allowing you to specify the number of months of data to be returned [see guide][4396].
  • An issue creating owner bookings using the Create Booking API has been fixed [4491]
  • The Calculate Booking and Property Extras APÍs now include more details about each extra, including the values for CompulsoryCharge, InListPrice, PayableOnOrder, Visible and Taxable [4546]
  • The Calculate Booking API has been updated so that it now correctly include the cost of a hidden extras (where In List Price is set to true and visible is set to false) [4582]
  • Improvements have been made to the Properties Last Updated API to improve the reliability of the data.  There are now fewer cases of a property being listed by this API as having been updated where no data has actually changed [4630]
  • The Property Detail API now includes OwnerContactID, giving the ID of the owner [4641]
  • The Properties API now includes a list of the assigned contacts for the property [4642]
  • A large number of additional fields have been added to the data returned by the Get Bookings API [4643]
  • New API Get Payments allows you to get the details of the payments on a booking and the payment schedules they have been allocated to [4644]
  • New APIs Get Comms Notes and Push Comms Note allow to to get the communications history for a booking or enquiry and push new notes [4645]
  • Attempting to connect to the API with an invalid token now returns HTTP error code 401 (Unauthorized) [4732]
  • Improvements to the performance of the Create Booking which now returns a response more quickly when the SendEmail option is set to true [4888]
  • Fixed issues with the create booking API not checking availability when creating owner bookings [4889]
  • Fixed issues with the create booking API not adding voucher payments correctly [4894]
  • Fixed issues with the Special Offers API returning duplicate weeks.  A new DiscountFormat field has been added which is set to 0 for percentage discounts and 1 where the discount is a fixed amount [4936]
  • Fixed an issue with the property extras API where the maximum quantity for a pets extra that is linked to a pets attribute.  This now returns the quantity from the attribute and not the extra [4944]
  • The value of URL returned by the Property Detail and Property All API's is not an absolute URL rather than a relative URL [4982]
  • The Bookings API now includes details of any bills associated with the booking [5140]

Property Management

  • Fixed an issue with the list of bill types that are avaialble when changing the value of "Issued By".  Also added the value of "Issued By" to the list when editing bill types [4301]
  • When editing an invoice, bills are sorted by date [4310]
  • Fixed issue with the tax not automatically recalculating when editing the price of a bill on an invoice [4328]
  • Fixed issue with the default values for a bill not being loaded automatically [4329]
  • Improvements to the ability to email invoices directly from the list of paid invoices [4580]


  • When a payment has been made by card, the last four digits of the card number will be displayed in the payment history [4348]
  • Fixed an issue with the values of extra not updating correctly when cancelling a booking [4463]
  • Improved the performance when loading a booking.  Data for some of the tabs is now loaded only when that tab is selected, making page lad times faster [4710]
  • The Part Payment schedule category is no longer supported.  If you want to have multiple schedules for part payments use the Balance category instead [5065].


  • Fixed an issue where email tokens don't appear correctly when there are multiple extras with the same name [4465]
  • Fixed an issue where zero value extras didn't appear in the {holidayExtrasSummary} token [4522]
  • Fixed the text formatting in the {PropertyAddress} token [4696]
  • All enquiry tokens now work when used inside the {propertiesSection} tokens [4847]
  • The {logo} token now returns the full URL, including the hostname [4885]
  • A new  {logoAlt} token has been added which include the Alt text for the company logo [4885]
  • The {txtFinancialRenterBalance} token will now display the text "Paid in Full" instead of a zero when a booking has been fully paid.  This text can be configured by setting the dictionary item tokens.balanceDueAmount [5278]
  • A new {voucher} token has been added, which will contain details of any voucher that has been applied to a booking [5277]
  • A new {validDates} token has been added which will display the range of dates that a the applied token is valid for.  The dictionary items Booking.AppliedVoucher.BookingBetweenText  and Booking.AppliedVoucher.HolidayDatesText  can be used to customise the text used in this token [5277]
  • A new {voucherNights} token has been added which will display the number of nights that the applied token is valid for [5277]
  • A new {propertiesValid} token has been added which lists the properties that the applied token is valid for [5277]
  • A new {voucherNotes} token has been added which will show the notes from the voucher that has been added [5277]


  • Fixed issue with past booking appearing in ad hoc statements [4479]
  • Fixed issue when attempting to process single statement [4590]
  • Performance improvements have been made to the process of generating the statements which will be most noticeable when generating statements for a large number of owners [4661]
  • When generating statements, the summary now includes a more details breakdown and highlights when the opening balance of a statement doesn't match the value of the most recent payment [4776]
  • The bank account details of the agency that are used when generating a bank file have moved from the CMS to the Company Settings page [4679]

Cancellation of bookings and refunds

  • When cancelling a booking, if there is an extra that has been paid and is not being refunded then the extra will remain on the booking, with the payment allocated to the payment schedule for the extra rather than the cancellation fee.  This allows the payment to appear correctly as income against the extra in the Agency Income Report [4713]
  • When cancelling a booking the instructions are now clearer in cases where the payment to be refunded needs to be manually paid as an offline payment [4715]
  • When refunding multiple payments at the same time as an offline payment it is now possible to consolidate the refunds into a single refund payment, which makes reconciling the payments with your bank statements easier [4753]
  • Multiple improvements have been made to the cancellation and refund process to make it easier to use and reduce the chance of mistakes being made [4483]
  • The refund modal has been updated to make it look more similar to the cancel booking modal.  In addition to the improved layout this also includes better support for offline refunds [4830]
  • It's now easier to remove an extra from a booking where the payment schedule for the extra has already been paid.  When clicking the remove button next to the extra a modal will appear giving you the option to refund the payment, or transfer it to another payment schedule [4073]

iPro Partner [3056]

When using the iPro partner connection a booking created from an iPro partner site will now have the leady guest name and mobile number populated.  The private internal notes will also contain details of the partner iPro site that the booking came from.

Mark Emails as Read and reassign [4736]

When viewing the email inbox it is now possible to mark emails as read or unread by selecting them and clicking the "Mars As Read/Unread" button.

The assigned rep that is shown is now a drop down list, which allows you to manually reassign an email to a particular member of staff.

Owner Booking alert [4756]

Two new alert criteria have been added, "Owner Booking" and "Owner Booking Cancelled".  Alerts with these criteria will be triggered whenever an owner booking has been created or cancelled.

Clearing Rates from Rentals United [4768]

When you add or update rates on a property that is connected to Rentals United then the updated rates are sent to Rentals United immediately.  However, if you remove rates from a property there is no way for us to remove these from Rentals United.  Instead, any dates that don't have rates in iPro will be blocked in Rentals United, preventing bookings from being taken from any of the channels for dates where prices have been deleted in iPro.

Alerts filtered by source [4912]

A new "Source of Booking" field is now available when configuring alerts.  This allows an alert to only be sent when the Booking Source on a booking matches the source configured in the alert.

Recalculating prices when changing dates and transferring bookings [4797, ]

The process of changing dates on a booking has been enhanced.  To change the dates there is a new change dates button which will display a modal allowing you to enter the new dates and giving you the option to recalculate the price of a booking.  If you choose to recalculate the price you can select which parts of the price to update and will be shown what will be changed before any updates are made.

The same option is available when transferring bookings to a new property, so you can choose to update the prices or leave them as they are.  You will also see a warning letting you know if there are any extras on the booking that aren't available on the new property.

Updated tracking of failed payments [4856]

Additional tracking of failed card payments is now available.  If a card payment is attempted and fails for any reason you will now see this being added to the booking as a failed payment with the reason for the failure now being displayed more clearly.

New Payment Provider: Trust Payments [4241]

We have now have a full integration with Trust Payments, giving you another choice of payment provider.  Please contact support if you are interested in using Trust Payments.

Website checkout process

  • On the final stage of the checkout process the option to enter payment details is hidden until the guest ticks the box to say that they agree to the terms and conditions [4853]

New Dictionary Items [4591]

New dictionary items are available to customise the error messages that appear when selecting dates on a property page that break the booking rules.

  • BookingForm.Rules.StartDay - Message displayed if the selected start date breaks the changeover day rules
  • BookingForm.Rules.EndDay - Message displayed if the selected end date breaks the changeover day rules
  • BookingForm.Rules.MinNights - Message displayed if the selected dates break the length of stay rule
  • Search.ByLocationAndAttributeMessage - Message displayed if search returns no results due to the search options chosen
  • Search.FullyBookedMessage - Message displayed if no properties are available because they are all fully booked
  • Search.TotalPropertiesFound - Message displayed after the number of properties that are returned by the search query

Reminders [5257]

Reminders (previously called Activities) have been moved from their own page and are now displayed at the top of the dashboard.  Access to reminders can be controlled using user permissions, which includes the ability to restrict users to only seeing their own reminders or not being able to see reminders at all.

Bugs Fixed

  • Notes aren't saved when adding an owner booking [4366]
  • When an extra is payable to the agency the amount to the agency isn't displayed correctly in a booking [4347]
  • Cancellation fees are appearing in the banking report [4077]
  • Corrupt data in company settings stops record from being saved [4476]
  • Corrupt data in a contact record caused an error when editing the contact or viewing bookings [4464]
  • Duplicate property attributes cause error in property search [4510]
  • Fixed the alignment of the header in the calendar [4472]
  • Deposit paid emails not being sent when using the Initial Deposit Scheme [4521]
  • Alerts are not sending the language emails [4598]
  • The calculated min and max rate for a property is not including compulsory extras [4650]
  • Allocation of payments is not correct when transferring a booking to another property [4655]
  • Alert emails don't always have the correct value of the most recent payment [4682]
  • Editing a rate republishes a property [4709]
  • It's possible to create an owner booking with the check out date before the check in date [4725]
  • Previously logged complaints aren't displayed on all bookings [4728]
  • Dates from a cancelled booking or blockout are not always shown as available in the search results [4803]
  • Late payments can trigger an incorrect update of the due date of the linked owner schedule [4812]
  • Room amenities are not available when a site is not connected to Rentals United [4822]
  • Owner payment schedules are incorrect when paying the owner a fixed deposit [4845]
  • Booking deposit outstanding alerts not working when using multiple brands [4891]
  • Annual statement isn't using the company logo from company settings [4892]
  • Reusing a voucher removes the payment from the previous time the voucher was used [4899]
  • Hive export needs to include new and updated contact records [4890]
  • Headers not aligned correctly on financial reports [4906]
  • If the home page search form includes attributes they aren't appearing correctly if not linked to dictionary items [4979]
  • Balance due alerts aren't being resent for bookings where the alert has previously been sent but the dates have changed [4933]
  • The cost of extras is being incorrectly rounded when price rounding is switched on [5034]

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